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Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: REV LNG LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 11
Address: 1005 Empson Rd, Ulysses PA
Description: REV LNG is a pioneer in the Liquid Natural Gas Solutions market. Contact us at 585-797-8441 and we can show you how to utilize a LNG solution that is substantially more economic and environmentally favorable to your needs. We have the ability to implement a solution that will displace traditional fuel sources such as crude oil, diesel, propane, or gasoline for your equipment fleet REV LNG has the ability to solve the “chicken and the egg” problem for truck fleet owners who want to convert to LNG fueled vehicles but do not have a close proximity reliable LNG fuel station REV LNG is one of the very first trucking operators to convert their traditional diesel fueled trucks to LNG. They are also the first company in the state of Pennsylvania to have their own LNG mobile refueler. They were operating an LNG fleet before a single LNG fuel station was ever commissioned in the state. REV LNG has millions of safe documented miles with LNG fueled tractors. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is now a highly affordable and dependable energy source. Utilizing LNG will bring substantial economic savings and environmental benefits to your trucking fleet or industrial usage. LNG provides a safe, efficient and cost-effective means for fuel users without access to pipelines to enjoy the benefits of clean, low-cost natural gas.
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