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Market Segment: Human Service Program
Linkedin: Perspectives LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 3381 Gorham Ave, Minneapolis MN
Description: Founded in 1976, Perspectives, Inc. is an award-winning human service program. As a multi-service agency, Perspectives addresses our society’s most pressing issues: homelessness, poverty, addiction, mental illness, poor nutrition, and lack of access to services. Though these issues can have a tremendous impact on both genders, Perspectives’ specific target population is mothers and their children. Today: Perspectives is the largest therapeutic supportive housing program for women and children in Minnesota, housing over 75 women and over 130 children annually. Our services are extensive and span from recovery and mental health programs for both women and children to job readiness and parenting education. Perspectives is distinctive in that few, if any, other supportive housing programs provide in-house, 12-month, comprehensive out-of-school academic, social, and nutritional enrichment for the children living in the program. Perspectives' Mission: Breaking Cycles for At-Risk Families and Children for Total Family Recovery. 1. To provide trauma-informed supportive housing for homeless, recovering mothers and their children. 2. To improve the mental health and sobriety outcomes for homeless, dual-diagnosed mothers and their child(ren). 3. To improve the nutritional health of homeless and at-risk families and children living within the City of St. Louis Park and Perspectives’ Supportive Housing community. 4. To improve the academic and social adjustment skills of homeless and at-risk children grades K-8 in our Kids Connection Program. 5. To ensure healthy births for babies born while their mothers are living in Perspectives’ Supportive Housing Program. 6. To ensure that infants and toddlers living in Perspectives Supportive Housing community have healthy environments in which to thrive.
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