Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: MPEG LA LinkedIn Company ProfileEstimated Revenue: $50M
Estimated Employees: 51
Address: 4600 South Ulster Street, Denver CO
Description: MPEG LA, LLC is the world’s leading packager of patent pools for standards and other technology platforms used in consumer electronics, as well as chemical, eCommerce, education, energy, environment, healthcare and biotechnology, manufacturing and materials, transportation and wireless technology. We developed the pool market space. Our "many-to-many licensing model" has revolutionized the way patent holders, developers and users think about the intellectual property market. Our model serves the entire community of participants – creating a market that balances reasonable access with reasonable return. •Bringing together essential patents •Enabling technology to be more widely used •Making technology accessible •Saving time •Averting legal costs and concerns •Allowing for investment in product and reinvestment in innovation •MPEG LA is audited annually in accordance with SAS 70 Type II Our Many-to-Many Licensing Model maximizes creativity, usage, profitability and affordability of products. Our goal is to provide a service that brings all parties together so that technical innovations can be made widely available at a reasonable price. Utilizing our collaborative approach, we help make markets for intellectual property that maximize profits for intellectual property owners and make utilization of intellectual property affordable for manufacturers, consumers and other users. For more information, please visit our website at