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Modern Meadow


Market Segment: Advanced Sustainable Material Development
Linkedin: Modern Meadow LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $50M
Estimated Employees: 11
Address: 140 58th Street, Nutley NY
Description: Modern Meadow is a pioneer of biofabrication. We harness the power of biology to deliver enhanced material performance and sustainability compared to traditional materials. Our teams use proprietary technologies and unique processes to create sustainable ingredients from natural sources. At the core of this is biofabrication, a concept that allows us to design and engineer new materials at the most fundamental level by tuning and assembling biomolecules. This is how our expertise at the crossroads of biology and technology benefits our process. We are a diverse team of biologists, engineers, materials scientists, and designers inspired by nature, who believe the world’s greatest challenges can be solved with creative, innovative technologies.
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