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Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: Mile9Agency LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 11
Address: 6520 Platt Ave, Los Angeles CA
Description: Mile 9 is more than our name – it’s also our location – just 9 miles from the Pacific Ocean in the hills of Los Angeles. We’re a full-service brand communications agency where you’ll find an integrated team of digitally fluent and highly creative minds, led by industry leaders in marketing strategy, innovation, and creativity. Our business was built on the power of brave ideas. We attract clients who need their marketing dollars to work harder – and we do it by creating solutions that defy conventions and are designed to drive business results. Our unique environment and spirit combine to give us the feeling that something brave can happen every day. Think of Mile 9 as a destination, where your brand trades the crowded highway for a fresh, innovative path to continue on its journey to greater success. Visit Mile 9 at www.mile9agency.com Connect with us on Facebook at Facebook.com/Mile9Agency Reach Mile 9 at (818) 207-8239
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