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Mangan Software Solutions


Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: Mangan Software Solutions LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 11
Address: 12650 Featherwood Dr, Houston TX
Description: Mangan Software Solutions (MSS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mangan Inc. that leverages technology and software services to standardize and automate business processes for the Energy Industry. For the past decade, MSS has been leading the market in innovative technologies for the Refining, Oil & Gas, Chemicals, Pipeline and Bio-Pharmaceutical Industries. MSS’ engineers and programmers are experts in the fields of Safety Lifecycle Management and Safety Instrumented Systems. With scalable system platforms and years of experience working with the premier energy companies in the world, MSS has established itself as the leader in software solutions engineered for our clients. With offices in Houston, Atlanta and London, MSS proudly supports clients across the globe, allowing them to execute best engineering practices more efficiently, increase productivity and streamline regulatory and compliance processes across their entire organization.
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