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Lightspeed Systems


Market Segment: School Management Solution
Linkedin: Lightspeed Systems LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $15M
Estimated Employees: 101
Address: 2500 Bee Cave Road, Austintown CA
Description: Since 1999, Lightspeed Systems has provided smart solutions for school networks, working to make learning safe, mobile and easily managed. With our K12 school partners, we have helped protect and engage more than 10 million students around the world. Why Work Here? We work diligently and intelligently as a team to create innovative solutions and better ways of doing things. Every day, every employee has an opportunity to change the world in the most meaningful way: by improving education. Lightspeed Systems has the mentality of a start-up (collaboration, access, innovation) with the stability of a company that’s been around since 1999 — and we get bigger and smarter every day. #edtech #techjobs #atx #safeschools #k12
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