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National Education Technology Plan for Marketers

The many types of customers in EdTech (trainees, schools, instructors, education policymakers, etc.) need marketers to establish customized approaches for each of them to best address their respective needs. Developing a national education technology plan for marketers is critical to gaining traction. It’s undeniable that all these groups are embracing the digital education trend and the blended learning market. (Solutions that consist of both conventional class and online learning.) Digital education is projected to grow 98% by 2020 as reported by the University of Wisconsin.   Here are some critical Inbound Marketing tools to help you attract customers in search of high-quality educational content. Get more Ed Tech customers

SEO and Blogging

The figures speak for themselves. 92% of teachers says that the internet has a major impact on their access materials for teaching. 69% of teachers state that the internet is having a substantial impact on their capability to share concepts with other instructors. (Pearson Research) Your blog becomes another door to your website along with your home page. If you put up useful content often, your audience will grow. Just remember a few appropriate precautions :

  • Search engines enjoy content that is well-crafted and answers readers’ questions. Take into account the needs of students and teachers and share suggestions and insights on the topics you handle. Provide consumers the opportunity to comment and share their views.
  • Don’t mix up your marketing messaging with your blog posts. Your blog is here to help your readers educate themselves with trustworthy educational content. Let them decide if your service or your product could help achieve this second goal.

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Be heard and talked about on social media.

Social media helps you create a community of followers who believe in your technology and will likely get the word out about it. Where will this occur? On your blog and your social networking accounts: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram and Pinterest once you’ve mastered the art of content development. It’s a good idea to release relevant, shareable content regularly about EdTech or your specific field of know-how (Classroom management tools, eLearning solutions, educational socials media, etc.) even if it is sharing a link to another site’s article with an insightful comment. With 80% of K-12 teachers using social media personally and professionally, this is definitely a few minutes worth spending according to the University of Phoenix. Get more Ed Tech customers

Make a smart use of content creation

Keep in mind that you’re offering an item or a service that is expected to improve your customer’s lives. The whole point of Inbound Marketing is to allow consumers to come to you as soon as they have discovered for that the content that you have been releasing has been useful to them. Ask yourself these questions before posting:

  • Will a minimum of 50 percent of your target audience members be engaged by this content? Will they believe it?
  • Does it add worth to our audience’s life in an easily understandable way?
  • Does the post build positive bias towards our brand in some manner?
  • Does it help our followers feel good about themselves?

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Spread white papers and free eBooks to engage new customers

When it comes to following and understanding the latest paradigm in EdTech, your consumers require clear literature and will be interested in downloading any informative eBook or white paper on the subject; especially if they are complimentary. Make sure that prospective consumers submit a user-friendly form in addition to downloading your products so that you can gather informative metrics on your target audience. You can also then take part in email marketing with these possible clients who willingly offered you their contact information and consider you as a trustworthy source. Keep in mind that because you’re dealing with various types of clients, segmentation is a more effective than a typical technique for transforming site visitors into email customers. Segmentation is an approach in which each group just receives pertinent messages and will feel that your business is devoted to getting more information about their particular requirements. An excellent example of this segmentation approach is the Khan Academy site which permits instructors and parents to access personalized content. According to the McKinsey & Company consulting firm they found that “email is almost 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter<” Ultimately, this approach needs to be a part of your sales process.

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