A building Business Profile

Market Segment: Interactive Projector and Classroom Technology
Linkedin: Boxlight LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $10M
Estimated Employees: 200
Address: 1045 Progress Circle, Lawrenceville
Description: Boxlight brings powerful, integrated solutions that are unmatched in today’s education market. Even more inspiring is where the company’s passion for learning will take educational technology, classroom educators, and students in the years ahead. Founded in 1985, Boxlight, a US owned and operated company, quickly became a leader in presentation technology, climbing Inc. 500 lists and becoming synonymous with projection and display solutions for business, government, and education. Mimio was founded in 1997 by way of five creative-thinking students at MIT. By combining innovation with their passion for education, they created their flagship product, the ink capture system. In 2016, Boxlight acquired Mimio. Together they are a leading global provider of technology in the classroom.
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