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Marketing Plan for EMR to Get New Buyers When They’re Ready to Switch

Clinicians are aching for a change. However, they’re not just looking for something new; they’re looking for something better. The number of buyers looking to replace their present EMR software increased by 59%! With so many prospects itching to make the switch, it’s a virtual gold mine for marketing professionals. Having said that, prospects do disappear much faster than they appear. That’s why it’s essential to connect with them during the research phase. To help you connect, we’ve put together a marketing plan for emr that will help you get new EMR buyers when they’re ready to switch. It’s generally not a good idea to interrupt someone when they’re in the middle of something…unless you have the answer to what they’re looking for. So, don’t be shy.

This is how you can use marketing plan for EMR to grab EMR buyers who are primed to make a move:

Take Advantage of the Change Drivers

There are many reasons why buyers are replacing their current EMRs: better billing applications, improved patient tracking functions, customizable templates, the laundry list goes on. What’s the number one change driver? It’s not nearly as complex as some of the technical issues we’ve mentioned; clinicians simply don’t like their present EMR. In reality, this dissatisfaction likely stems more from a lack of understanding than a broken system. For marketers, the consumer’s desire to understand and learn more presents a great opportunity. Their hunger for knowledge doesn’t stop with an initial exploration; it’s never-ending. Continual education is pivotal in maximizing customer retention. If clinicians knew more about their EMRs, fewer would be looking to replace them. A viable option for combatting this issue is Inbound Marketing or marketing plan for EMR. In short, it’s a customer-centric methodology that keeps consumers informed with relevant solutions.

Use Content to Educate Customers

While your primary targets are often clinicians, there’s an important group that we can’t forget: the patients! Lending the professionals a hand in educating their patients is a need that requires immediate attention. According to a study cited in Medical Marketing & Media, a third of patients showed an interest in using a patient portal. But shockingly, almost 40% reported having never heard of one. To spread some general awareness, it would be beneficial to utilize a blog post. Don’t just mention that your EMR has a patient portal. Lead in with how patients can take charge by tracking and managing their own medical history. This can also double as a call-to-action for future eBooks that contain more detailed explanations.

Embrace Changes in Mobile Technology

In a study conducted by Black Book Ranking, 89% of physicians stated that they used smartphones and tablets to communicate with colleagues. Additionally, 58% of users who can access their EMR on mobile devices stated that they were “very satisfied.” So, if you’re looking to attract buyers, you can’t ignore mobile technology. When initiating a relationship with a prospective buyer, show them that you recognize the value of mobile technology by offering content that is highly responsive (mobile friendly). This speaks volumes of your company’s ability to adapt, and makes you a thought leader on the cutting edge. Relevant, ingeniously designed content is sure to delight any consumer. Especially if it looks great and functions smoothly on any device.

The Bottom Line

Providing insightful content allows you to connect with clinicians before they find the answers. If you can guide them along the way, you’ll naturally showcase your EMR’s benefits without the need for a hard sell. Now that consumers possess an unlimited access to information, no marketer can claim that their product is the end-all-be-all. On the bright side, you can always continue to be a valuable resource. To learn about what’s needed to develop an effective Content and Inbound Strategy, grab our free eBook here! We hope this marketing plan for EMR helps you grab EMR buyers who are primed to make a move. If you have any questions about how to get started with an Inbound Strategy for your EMR company, don’t be shy, reserve a time to speak with us here. We’re happy to help!

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