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Improve User Experience Design Tips to Increase Conversion Rates

User Experience (UX) Design spans all forms of online media. It’s important to cultivate a consistent brand image across your marketing and outreach materials. Information is constantly flooding our screens these days and our consciousness. That’s why it’s more crucial than ever to keep information streamlined and pleasurable. After all, with all the options out there, what pushes the final decision when a user is navigating the web? The answer to that, my friend, is within your UX approach. And we’ve drafted this list to improve user experience design tips to help you increase conversion rates.  

Treat Your Visitors Equally

First, it is important to take a holistic approach to responsive web design. It’s not cool to invite only five friends to the party when about twenty more will hear about it. This is how we feel about social media and viewing devices. They all come with their pros and cons and are always in the picture. So it’s important to ensure that your brand message remains clear and consistent across social media platforms. Are you a Facebook aficionado? Well Jimmy and his ten friends, who are hoping to buy what your product, are all Twitter-obsessed. Leaving them out of your branding strategy will not entice them to care about what you have to offer. The idea is to let your customers feel equally respected and comfortable when engaging with your organization.  

Keep it Consistent

Consistent messaging and brand experiences are also key components for return visistors. Do you make it easy for users to share your ideas and outreach content? Does your website integrate social sharing buttons that cross-navigate the social sharing sphere? Additionally, while the social media bastions of power tend to curate what we are able to edit on our profile pages, we must focus on what we can control. Are image tone, word choice, and writing style consistent across your brand’s official forms of media?  

    • Speak the language that your visitors used to. Do you tend to use a lot of abbreviations and an informal voice in your messaging? Keep this consistent across all your media, including marketing material and blog posts. Social media lends itself to a more informal and playful voice. So that style of writing will not jive well if your voice tends to be more formal!


  • Loyal customers like to know what to expect from their vendors and favorite organizations, and when. Try to set a realistic goal to how often you’ll update your content and stick to it as closely as you can! Don’t forget to assess how often your staff can churn out valuable content too. Unreliable communication is worse than insufficient communication.


Share, But Do So Responsibly

Social media sharing is fun, quick and easy. But that doesn’t mean you should be hitting that “like” and “share” button willy-nilly! Everything your brand interacts with and the way it presents itself online is part of your brand image. You may have “liked” a video of a tiger cub nursing a puppy, but does it really need to be shared on your cooking company’s Facebook page? If you feel that it does, how can it be relevant to your brand? Remember, only use social sharing when it will elevate your brand’s interaction with consumers.  

If Money-Making is Your Game, Quality UX is a Must

Time and time again, top notch UX will increase completed purchases on company sites. We recently visited a website that listed clothing worn on characters in a variety of top TV shows. Cool, right?! But because their site isn’t responsive, pages were cut off on the right side when viewed on a mobile device. They also included a link to buy pieces from online retailers for the clothing. The site would likely get kickbacks from linked vendors if the links were clicked. But we did not know that the links existed until we happened to check the website on a desktop computer. Be careful not to make such perilous mistakes!  

3 Things to Check that Increase Positive User Experience Within Your Shopping and Checkout Interfaces:


    • Legibility of your website content is key on all viewing devices. Does your website’s text shrink down to ridiculous ant-sized scribble? Do images get thrown out of whack on certain devices?


  • Easy Check-out Process is critical. An estimated 60% of customers abandon their online shopping carts. Is your business doing all you can to identify pain points in your checkout process? It can be as easy as streamlining one or two things, or changing a few words. Amazon’s 1-click ordering option is an excellent example of a perfected hassle-free checkout experience.
  • Interaction should be as intuitive as possible. Apple has done a great job with this. All their products play together so nicely that many of us will spend more on one of their items. That’s because we know that Apple products easily sync with other, and their interfaces are highly intuitive. Offering a lower price is not the end-all be-all of closing a sale.

As a modern-day marketer we hope that you’ve learned something from this improve user experience design tips tutorial. We’re here to answer any questions you may have. Improved UX is key to gaining new customers and visitors as well as maintaining the loyalty and satisfaction of existing users. Now get out there and kick some marketing ass! increase conversion rate

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