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Accelerate Your Healthcare SaaS Sales Process with 6 Strategies for Success

Every healthcare technology salesperson wants to accelerate their sales. In the past, and still too many instances these days, boosting healthcare IT SaaS sales mostly involved spending a lot on ads and contacting as many people as possible without a regard for whether they’re ready to listen or not. However, the modern-day consumer is much savvier. According to a report by the Earnest Agency, 81% of customers start their buying process by searching for information online. Therefore, the best way of grabbing their attention is by providing the useful and educational content that they are already looking for, when they are looking for it. This strategy is referred to as Inbound. The IT SaaS industry is growing–and is expected to continue to boom–so moving the sales process along with key strategies could be the difference in success or getting lost in the herd. More and more health companies are turning to SaaS options and are implementing them throughout hospitals. SaaS is also used for patient portals, mobile communications, and telemedicine. Companies have found that transitioning services to SaaS has helped to reduce IT costs. Healthcare IT SaaS Growth (Source) SaaS has proven beneficial when it comes to both clinical and nonclinical information systems. The adoption of these systems helps to eliminate the need for expensive software and additional hardware. It also reduces the need for in-house, specialized technical support. Many healthcare organizations are using some sort of cloud-based software and have begun deploying SaaS applications throughout their hospitals. While there are many costs, security, and scalability benefits with SaaS solutions, challenges still arise when the time comes to roll out to end users.

Here are 6 great Inbound strategies to accelerate your healthcare IT SaaS sales:

Define your ideal Buyer Personas

The first step towards increasing your healthcare SaaS sales is to determine who exactly you’re selling to. A Buyer Persona is a fictional character that mirrors your ideal customer. For instance, you could have ‘Clinician Carla‘, ‘Private Practitioner Peter‘ or ‘Medical Director Dan‘, all who would be interested in your health technology product or services. Each potential customer will have different wants and needs, and it’s important to understand them all. Carry out some research to find out their responsibility in the organization, their goals, and their challenges. Once you have identified your Buyer Personas, it will be easier to target them effectively to increase your healthcare IT SaaS sales.

Create content regularly

After defining your Buyer Personas, you need to create regular content that addresses your ideal buyers’ goals and challenges. It is also important that the content you produce speaks to all healthcare SaaS sales prospects in different stages (Awareness, Consideration, Decision) of the Buyer’s Journey. In the Awareness phase, buyers know they have a problem and are looking for information on what it is and how they might go about solving it. Buyers in the Awareness phase would find content like blogs, infographics, and videos helpful. Then, in the Consideration phase, customers understand their problem and are looking for options on how to solve it. You can make recommendations to customers in this phase through premium content like ebooks and reports. Hold off on “selling,” though. Finally, in the Decision phase, customers are seeking out specific solutions or companies to solve the problem. Here, you can offer content like charts, articles, and case studies to show the benefits of your product or service. healthcare saas (Source) You can learn more about their needs in each stage of the journey by conducting surveys, calling your existing customers, or reading industry journals and magazines. On top of carrying out active research, you can further develop your content strategy by joining relevant forums to observe and find out the trending discussions. Write down the most popular topics and create a schedule for creating content for each stage. The content could be anything from social media posts and blog posts to white papers, eBooks, and reports. Creating content that targets the right audience on a regular basis will establish you as an authority in the healthtech industry and build trust with your prospects.

Develop a customer-centered website

Quite often, your healthtech company website will be the first contact your prospects makes with your business and should be a prominent player in your marketing strategy. You need to ensure that your visitors leave with a strong first impression and a pleasant User Experience. Since prospects will be visiting your site using their computers and mobile devices, make sure the design is responsive. Use fonts and background colors that will make the text on your pages easy to read. The navigation on your website should be simple enough for visitors to navigate your pages with ease. Finally, ensure that your pages have a fast loading speed. Having a professionally designed site will keep visitors coming back and enhance your chances of making more sales. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKziavNRuis&feature=emb_logo

Apply SEO techniques

It wouldn’t make any sense to have a professionally designed website if no one knew it exists. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the best ways of making your site visible online. The first thing you need to do is carry out some research for the keywords or phrases you would want to rank for on search engines. Find what words people are using when they search for related content. Then, be sure to include these keywords in your meta descriptions. They should also appear in your blog posts, page URL, page headers, and image alt texts. Internal linking (linking to other pages and posts on your site) is also very effective for SEO. Applying all of these techniques will enhance your search engine rankings, thus allowing you to attract even more visitors to your site and increase your lead conversions. Using proper SEO techniques will improve your search engine ranking and will bring more people to your site. This will then lead to conversions.

Leverage social media

You can use social media to keep track of conversations going on about the health tech industry, your competitors, and your brand. Leveraging social media will give you ideas of topics you could write about in your blog. You could also engage your audience directly on social media and position yourself as an expert in your industry. Social media can also be a great channel for driving traffic to your website. Share interesting photos and stories related to your brand and leave a link to your landing pages. Also, whenever you post new content on your website, update your followers on the new information they can consume. When your posts are liked, shared, or retweeted, you will attract even more prospects. Some social media channels even allow you to add a ‘Buy’ button which allows prospects to make a purchase without having to visit your site. Fact: According to Sprout Social, 70% of consumers check social media before making a purchasing decision. saas <a href=sales strategy” width=”300″ height=”232″ /> (Source)

Measure your efforts

Once in a while, you need to step back and evaluate your healthcare SaaS sales strategies. Doing so will give you an idea of what efforts are working and what aren’t. For example, you can find out the source of your website visitors. How many are coming via social media? How many are coming via email marketing? You should also keep track of conversions. How many visitors to your website actually convert into leads, and eventually into customers? The good news is that there are many tools like the Hubspot CRM that will help you measure your progress.

Also Read – SaaS Content Marketing Agency: Everything You Need to Know

The last word

So, how ready do you feel about beginning your own Inbound Sales voyage? It certainly does take some studying, strategizing, and trial and error at first. Once you refine your sales process based on your customer’s buying journey and provide the right content at the right time, you will be glad you did. We’ve helped many talented salespeople incorporate Inbound into their sales process. Feel free to reserve your free strategy session now to help you evaluate your assets and gain useful insights and suggestions to accelerate your sales!

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