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Healthcare IT Marketing: Identify Who’s Visiting Your Website

Ever wonder who is visiting your Healthcare IT marketing website? If you only knew who they were, you could determine if they are qualified to be a prospective customer, so your sales team could engage them and close more deals to increase revenue. Am I right? You are not alone. The truth is that most healthcare IT marketing pros don’t know who is visiting their website. That is why we’ve put together some great healthcare IT marketing strategies to help you identity who is visiting your website. While tools like Google Analytics show you how many people are visiting your healthcare technology website, it does not reveal the identities of visitors or their IP addresses. Google+ does this to protect the privacy of their visitors, but it’s not so great for marketers using the tool. Fortunately, there are several other tools that you can use to learn more about your visitors: how they found your site, how often they visit and which pages they look at frequently. Beyond “tools”, there are strategic “techniques” to guide your visitors into revealing themselves by providing their information on your website (we’re not just talking about contact forms and “get demo” buttons). Whether your target audience includes decision making C-Level Executives or Directors in Health Systems, Insurance Providers, Private Practices, Etc., being able to monitor their activity early in the sales cycle will help you generate better leads and close more sales.

Here are some of the techniques and tools you can use to know who is visiting your healthcare it marketing website:

The Techniques

To begin, ask yourself the following four questions:

  • What is the size, scope, and popularity of our health tech company’s website?
  • How engaging is it?
  • How much content has been created to attract new visitors?
  • What incentive does the website provide for users to take action?

Your goal is to know who’s interested in what you have to offer and actually provide value to these ideal customers. By creating strategic content to attract the right visitors and enticing them to make themselves known by clicking a Call-to-Action to download Premium Content Offer (eBooks, Reports, How-to Guides, Calculators, Etc.) you are setting up a process to capture the identity and interest of users on your company’s website. This technique is known as Inbound Marketing. Before you use tools to help you, you need the right Inbound Strategy, followed by content to engage your website visitors, so you can convert them into qualified leads. The right content, with the right SEO, mixed with powerful tools, gives you the ability to identify more of your anonymous website visitors and qualify them for your sales team. Now, onto the tools!

The Tools


The most powerful and full-featured tool available to marketers is Hubspot. Hubspot Marketing Free is a great tool that will help you learn more about leads even before they fill out a form. Hubspot’s Prospects Tool allows marketers to see the IP and company of anonymous visitors. They have features that also allow you to capture user info by immediately notifying you when a visitor shares their email, to instantly know who they are, where they came from, what pages they visited on your site, and where they work. This will enable you to follow up more effectively. You will also know which pieces of content are generating the most traffic and focus more effort on them. When the lead visits your website again, the tracking will continue from where it left off. This way, you will always be aware of what the prospect is interested in. Amazing, right?


Kickfire uses proprietary identification technology to identify companies that are visiting your website. You will receive in-depth information about the company, thus allowing you to reach out to prospects early in the buying cycle. Kickfire allows you to monitor visitors by their username, specific email address, revenue, industry or any other unique identifier. This tool also comes with a lead scoring system that enables you to identify the highly qualified leads.


Leadfeeder is a web app that helps you keep track of the activities of prospects on your site. You can integrate it with popular CRMs such as Zoho, Salesforce and Pipedrive. Once connected, leadfeeder will supply data to your CRM showing what your prospects are doing on your site. Leadfeeder can also be integrated with Google Analytics to reveal the identities of the people that are visiting your website. One of the best things about this app is its automatic reporting capability. Your leads’ visit data will be sent automatically to your email inbox and CRM. This means you will always have the necessary information when you need it. Leadfeeder also has a lead scoring feature that allows you to identify qualified leads.

IP checking tools

Anytime a prospect visits your website, their IP address is recorded on your web server. The IP address can reveal a lot of information. For instance, you can use IP2Location to find out the location of the visitor’s internet service. You can use IP Checking and Who Is to carry out a ‘whois’ search to see who owns the IP address. If your site receives different visitors from the same company, each visit will be tracked separately by time and date. However, these IP lookup solutions are not foolproof. Your website visitors can use shared internet services to disguise their identity. The good news is that most CRMs have features that allow you to filter your results. Now that you’ve identified your website visitors, let’s quickly explore best practices for following up to engage your new leads…

The Follow-up

Once you have identified your website visitors, it’s always good to carefully keep them engaged with helpful content, call them and simply ask them what they thought of your content and offer to share more resources, or send a Lead Nurturing Email. Here is an example of a message your sales team could use when engaging an identified prospect:

“Hi [Prospect Name], Noticed that you downloaded [Premium Content Offer Title]. Did you find it useful?   Thought this article may interest you also: [Title of a Helpful and Related Blog Post]   I’m happy to spend time with you to share any insights and resources I can to help you. [Prospect Name], if it would be helpful to discuss [Related Topic] on a quick call… What day/time would work for you next week?  

Most prospects will be pleasantly surprised that you know they visited your site and would actually be willing to discuss and help them in their research further.


The two major takeaways of this post both begin with the letter ‘T’. Implementing the best ‘Technique’ like Inbound Marketing to provide strangers incentive to find your site when searching online, followed by leveraging the best ‘Tools’ for converting and capturing leads (Hubspot), will help you attract and reveal your ideal visitors and master lead-generation! It can be very challenging to do all of this alone. We here at Responsify partner with healthcare IT marketing pros to offer strategy, support, and help implementing these activities. By collaborating we help marketers strategically attract new website visitors, convert them to qualified leads and happy customers. We’ve helped many healthcare it marketing pros incorporate the Inbound Marketing Methodology into their existing marketing mix. If you’d like to discuss ways to help your healthcare IT marketing website reveal more of its visitors to generate qualified leads, feel free to request a free strategy session now. We’re happy to spend time helping you evaluate your assets and offer free insights and suggestions to guide you in the right direction.

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