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Healthcare Content Marketing to Generate 10-25% New Qualified Leads

Thanks for coming all this way for little ol’ us. That’s what we’d like to believe, but something tells us you’re more interested in “new qualified leads”. That’s still awesome! We can steer you in the right direction, but there’s no quick fix. At Responsify we’re in it for the long-haul, which means a sustainable healthcare content marketing strategy for b2b Health Brands like you. A surge in traffic volume is great, but it won’t last if your visitors aren’t properly cared for. Using healthcare content marketing to build a relationship with customers is a crucial part of lead nurturing. This is where marketers and customers can engage in conversation and get to know one another. Here’s how you can initiate that exchange and keep the momentum rolling:

B2B Health Brands


Detailing Buyer Personas and the Buyer’s Journey

It’s hard to strike up a conversation with a stranger when you don’t know anything about them. Anyone who’s been to big get-together can tell you this. So before you can get anywhere, you need a thorough understanding of who your HealthTech’s consumers are. Detailing buyer personas gives you a look into the mind of a specific customer. For example, a physician who runs a private practice has different needs than a hospital administrator. They’ll also ask different questions… and lots of them. Following the Buyer’s Journey will give you a clear idea of the questions posed in the Awareness, Consideration, and Decision stages. This is the information you’ll need to direct prospects steadily down the funnel. Remember, it’s easy for consumers to get lost. They’re aware that they have a problem, but it’s during the research phase that things can go haywire. Here is where your awesome content can come to the rescue.

B2B Health Brands


SEO (Keyword) Research

Whenever possible, it’s best to go directly to the source and interview customers. There’s just one little issue that you can’t forget: People constantly change their minds. Today’s insights might not be so relevant the following day. But take a big sigh of relief. You don’t need to conduct interviews every day. Our friends the search engines do most of the grunt work. They teach us the “What”, “When”, and “Why” of a consumer’s purchasing habits and interests. To make the most of your Keyword strategy, you’ll have to take those words and weave them strategically into your content. Actually, Keywords are a great place to find ideas for material. They come from specific customer inquiries, so if your content is targeted just right, the search engines will take quick notice.

B2B Health Brands


HubSpot Development and Maintenance

When managing an Inbound campaign, organization is everything. We live and breath Inbound so it’s natural for us, but if you’re new to the neighborhood, it can be hard to keep track of all the moving pieces. Don’t get discouraged. Platforms like HubSpot can help you get your workflow in order. Email automation, lead scoring, and trackable ROI are just a few of the features that you’ll grow to love. If you’re still concerned about the technical ins and out, we can show you how to get a command of the platform in no time.

B2B Health Brands


Championship Content Creation

You can’t put your killer healthcare content marketing strategy into motion without the actual content, right? We have a dedicated team of writers, designers, and developers who can produce thought-provoking material that drives web traffic. Quality content alone isn’t enough, though; it has to be backed by a site that performs like a champion. These days, people tap into the internet from a slew of devices. Your blog has to operate flawlessly on all of them. As you might have guessed, Responsive (mobile-friendly) design is a strength of ours. If it wasn’t, we’d have to change our name to Unresponsify, and we don’t want to do that.

Also Read – Guide to Finding a Great Healthcare Content Marketing Service

The Bottom Line

Thanks for taking the time to check out what we do here at Responsify. Now that you’ve learned a little about us, you can see that generating qualified leads involves more than boosting web traffic. Content is the link that connects you to customers and nurtures a fruitful relationship. Need tips on developing a healthcare content marketing strategy? We’re here to help if you need us.

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