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Electronic Medical Record System Sales 101: Improving Processes

Traditionally, the Electronic Health Records (EHR) sales process required potentially annoying your prospects with unsolicited sales emails and those dreaded cold calls. In recent years, this approach has come to be known as Outbound Sales. And because today’s B2B decision makers suffer a constant barrage of these unwelcome marketing tactics, these buyers have shown greater interest in exploring possible solutions themselves before engaging a salesperson. In fact, Adweek found that 81% of shoppers conduct online research before making a purchase. And that means when a decision maker discovers your website and find the informational content they desire, they are far more likely to engage you first. And this new and proven method is called Inbound Sales. Inbound Sales focuses on valuable content tailored to drawing in and educating your target customer along the entire sales cycle. Hubspot, the leading technology giant of inbound sales, identifies the following as the key stages of an effective sales process:

  • Prospect – Carrying out research online to identify new prospects
  • Research – Finding out more about potential customers and their companies
  • Connect – Making contact with potential customers
  • Advise – Making a tailored demonstration or presentation of your solution
  • Close – Negotiating, delivering a proposal or quote, and making a sale

Here are some electronic medical record systems sales tactics you can use to enhance your EHR sales processes:

Know your ideal prospects

Selling is all the more difficult if you don’t have a clear idea who it is you are trying to sell to. So, begin by learning more about your prospect and the company for whom they work. In other words, create Buyer Personas. Build buyer personas by posing questions in online surveys or in-person interviews. Discover their goals, obstacles, likes, and frustrations, etc. Of course, identify whether or not they’ve already entered the Inbound Sales cycle and at what stage they are currently located. CEB global discovered the average B2B buyer is 57% through the purchase process before getting in touch with a sales rep.

Create and provide relevant content

Offering timely and informative content helps your potential customers discover your website. Furthermore, this content elevates your EHR company to an authoritative position in the industry, which instills your prospects with trust. In the beginning stages of the electronic medical record systems sales cycle, offer informational content from blog posts and infographics. And enhance content with relevant keywords in URLs, post titles, image names and image alt texts. That strengthens your search engine ranking and enhances online brand awareness. During later stages of the electronic medical record systems sales cycle, offer valuable long-form content like whitepapers, eBooks, and webinars. These forms of content are quite powerful in converting qualified leads to satisfied customers.

Optimize your landing pages

When your website traffic clicks through your Call-to-Action (CTA), your landing page should be the page to where they’re sent. Landing pages gather your visitors’ personal information for further lead nurturing. To encourage them to share their information, entice these prospects with a premium offer. For examples, a discount voucher, competition entry, webinar registration, free report, or free trial. Remember to keep these landing page forms quick and easy to complete. Usually, their names and email addresses are enough. To improve traffic to your landing page, the CTAs that navigate them there must also be simple and compelling. Lastly, use urgency to elicit responses. ‘Get started now!’ or ‘Learn more today!’ are always great CTA text.

Learn and relearn

A survey by Get App found that 92% of salespersons confirm sales training improved their craft. Likewise, you will need to continually teach and teach again your salesforce. Inform them of new services, products, and value propositions. Enroll them in workshops and seminars where the latest skills are being taught. The more trained your salesforce, the more leads they will generate and the more customers they will close. But there are considerable conflicting strategies going around right now. As for B2B sales in the EHR industry, we cannot recommend enough the free Inbound Sales Training from HubSpot.

Refresh your data

The quality of information salespeople use can be the difference between a closed sale and lost prospect. Educate your salespeople with the most recent data for promoting your products and services in the Close stage of the sales process. For example, the latest features, benefits, and pricing for the products and services you provide. Refresh this information frequently. Using correct data in the correct way quicken the electronic medical record systems sales process and allow it flow much more smoothly.

Match your sales process with the Buyer’s Journey

As you probably know, the Buyer’s Journey has three stages:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Decision

Pairing your electronic medical record systems sales process with the buyer’s journey removes a lot of error and leads to more efficient sales. Keep an eye out for indications your prospects are prepared to transition from one stage to the next. For instance, a lead completing your landing page form is preparing for the Consideration stage. When leads request a meeting or demo, they are transitioning to the Decision stage.

Use the right technology

Countless technologies exist for enhancing the efficiency of the electronic medical record systems sales process. And a combination of these many tools can help. But for maximum efficiency, we recommend comprehensive, all-in-one tools like the HubSpot CRM, which unleash the power of the latest features for marketing and sales.

The Bottom Line

We know that building productive electronic medical record systems sales processes is probably your strong point. However, marketing technologies and buying trends are in constant flux, rapidly changing and evolving to better meet the prospects’ needs. This is especially true of the EHR industry. So, it’s critically important that your sales process is aligned with current buyers’ behaviors. Here at Responsify, we’ve assisted countless sales professionals just like you to develop effective, customer-centered sales strategies using Inbound. Reserve your free strategy session now. And we’ll help you evaluate your assets, uncover valuable insights, and offer free suggestions to optimize your sales process!

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