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Creating a Content Marketing Strategy for Sustainability Managers and Building Owners

If you’re on the internet, chances are you’re consuming content in some shape or form. In that respect, sustainability managers and building owners aren’t any different from the rest of us. Okay, they might be a little different. They do have their own unique issues, so the content that appeals to them has to cover specific solutions. Your EMS can be the answer, but you’ll need engaging material to snag their attention and nurture a relationship. None of this will work without the perfect strategy. We can’t touch on all of the intricacies in this article, but we can give you the fundamental building blocks of a successful content marketing strategy. Check it out!    

Specificity is the Name of the Game

You’d raise some eyebrows if you spoke to your friends in the same way you speak to your boss. Sure, the nature of the relationships are obviously different, but relevancy is also a major factor. Unless your friends are awaiting your latest market analysis, they’re priorities are going to differ from your boss’s. In the same vein, content has to target a certain Buyer Persona with highly pertinent information. One buyer’s goal could be to scale their EMS across multiple facilities, while another is itching to take advantage of predictive analytics. Even though your solution can fulfill both needs, trying to make both features the focus of the same article could backfire. If a reader doesn’t immediately see the relevance to their pain, they’ll be on to another resource. Keep your content’s focus precise and concise. Consumers want materials that speak directly to them. Don’t make them feel as those their needs have been glossed over.  

Show That You Value Solutions over Products

It’s not easy to refrain from promoting your innovative EMS. Your passion is one of the attributes that makes you a successful marketer, but be mindful that consumers are more passionate about finding solutions than they are about finding an EMS. The best content marketing strategy always puts the needs of the customer first. If a prospect is looking to meet the criteria of a demand response program, drop hints on how they can improve their energy savings today. Demand response is too complicated of a matter to solve in a blog post or two, so they’ll definitely be back for more. When you finally get the chance to talk about your EMS in-depth, customers will be all ears. You’ve established yourself as a trustworthy resource (no unwanted sales pitches), after all.  

Don’t Stop Being a Go-to Resource

After your content has helped to convert qualified leads to customers, you deserve a pat on the back for your hard work. Just don’t get too comfortable. The world of EM doesn’t stand still, so continue to actively engage customers with informative material. Some facts that seem like yesterday’s news to you, could be a breaking bulletin to so some of your clients. For instance, we’d wager that a good chunk of business owners don’t know that plug and process load consumption is expected to increase by 49% by 2030. A blog article can make a world of difference, even if it only acts as a gentle reminder or a refresher course. Don’t leave your loyal customers hanging.  

The Bottom Line

When it comes to marketing your EMS with content, there’s no such thing as a general audience. Building owners and sustainability managers have unique questions and concerns. Only the most relevant and targeted material will capture their attention. The best content marketing strategy is built on specificity, so be sure you know your Buyer Personas inside and out.   If you have any questions about how to get started with an Inbound Strategy for your EMS company, don’t be shy, reserve a time to speak with us here. We’re happy to help!

Crush competition with a tailored content strategy
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