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Content Marketing Tips for Healthcare B2B Companies

A hard sell is hardly effective these days. Technology has made consumers highly informed, and with the overload of stimulation, anything irrelevant gets quickly tuned out. To help you keep your content relevant, we put together these four simple content marketing tips for healthcare to create content readers want. How can you cut through the noise? You have to create an environment where prospects can get to know you through relevant conversation. Of course, you won’t be able to talk to everyone on the phone, but you can reach out to your market via content. It goes without saying that your content has to be strong, but what exactly makes content good? It’s okay if you don’t know; we’re more than happy to help. The following guidelines will set you up with the knowhow you need to produce better content for your readers.

Follow these four simple content marketing tips for healthcare to create content readers want. You will be set to produce better content that builds trust and authority:


1. Diversify Your Content

There isn’t a single type of content that will meet all of your client’s need. You have to vary things a bit. If you’re thinking of lists, industry news, and how-to articles, a blog post will do the trick in most cases. Although, there are some limits when it comes to word count. If a post seems to be going on forever, it might be better to repackage your idea in the form of an eBook. Stay on top of current trends and your customer’s search queries. It will keep your content up-to-date, and you’ll avoid rehashing the same topics. This doesn’t mean that you can’t repurpose old content that is still accurate and relevant. You just have to find a new way to present it. Don’t forget to test short and long form content. On average, you want to shoot between 600 and 800 words. But short form (below 350 words) and long form (1,200 words or more) each have their own benefits. When utilizing a pointed question to elicit comments, shorter posts can be very effective. If you’re aiming to raise your search engine rank, longer and more in-depth is the way to go.

2. Be Consistent with Your Updates

All relationships are built on trust, and you can’t establish trust without being reliable. You may only update once a week, but it’s important that you follow a schedule so that your readers know when to tune in. Keeping a regular schedule also reminds visitors that you’re still around. If your blog looks inactive, that’s precisely what everyone will think. The name of the game is most definitely quality over quantity. It’s true that posting more frequently can be beneficial for SEO, but if you compromise quality, most of that traffic will swiftly disappear.

3. Leave a Bit of Mystery

Teaser trailers and cliff-hanger endings can be irritating. We feel as though we didn’t get enough information, but there’s no question that we’re going to watch the next installment. Content creation isn’t really all that different. You want to give your readers just enough information to relieve a pain. What you don’t want to do is give them all of the answers (not for free, anyway). Once you’ve enticed them into learning more, keep wetting their appetite with more and more helpful material. For example, if you have an article on patient management software, instead of detailing all of its features in one shot, it would be better to leave some breadcrumbs. You could start with an overview, and then tempt readers into reading several other articles about how each feature benefits specific medical professionals. Eventually, some of those prospects won’t be able to stand the suspense, and they’ll seek out an actual consultation.

4. Add Value

One of the best strategies you can take is adding value for your readers. This is a term you’ve likely heard used before, and we’re not talking about discounts or coupon codes here. What does this really mean? It includes things like helping your reader do research (awareness stage content), make understanding a complicated idea easier (consideration stage content), and aiding in their evaluation process to make a decision (decision stage content). Creating custom tailored content that can add value includes helpful blog articles, educational eBooks or whitepapers, research papers, reports, infographics, webinars, podcasts, and more. Ask yourself along the way… “Does this piece of content help the reader?”. By doing so you will focus on what matters most, your prospective customer. Doing quality Buyer Persona research will help you put yourself in their shoes and create the best content to add value.

Also Read – Guide to Finding a Great Healthcare Content Marketing Service

Key Takeaways

We hope these four content marketing tips for healthcare for creating content readers want were helpful to you. Diverse, reliable, and intriguing are principles that can be used to create better content for readers. Better content means engaging material that encourages visitors to become active followers of your digital health solution blog. To learn about what’s needed to develop an effective Content and Inbound Strategy, grab our free eBook here! If you have any questions about how to get started with an Inbound Strategy for your company, get a fresh perspective on your marketing with a free assessment.

Also Read – Choosing the Right B2B Content Marketing Agency

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