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Content Marketing in Healthcare Technology to Generate 10-25% New Leads

Hey there! I’m guessing you’re here to read some quick tips on generating more leads for content marketing in healthcare technology. Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place because reading this blog article is actually the perfect way to start. However, if you thought you could take off with a few tips and start building your contacts right away, well, I have some bad news for you–it’s not that quick and easy. What matters most is not having a knowledge of generating leads but rather applying that knowledge and building a sustainable Health Technology inbound strategy that will grow your company steadily. Your goal in marketing is not only to increase traffic to your website but also to care for each new lead properly. You can use content to build a relationship with your leads and nurture them. Your marketers should get to know your potential customers to produce the right content, and in turn, these potential customers will get to know your company. Here’s a how-to on effective content marketing in healthcare technology for generating your new, qualified HealthTech leads:

B2B Health Brands


Detailing Buyer Personas and the Buyer’s Journey

How can you strike up a conversation with strangers when you don’t know anything about them? Similarly, how can you market your Health products and services to a designated group of people without doing some research on what these people are like? The first stage of your content marketing in healthcare technology is detailing Buyer Personas. Doing so will give you an understanding of who your potential customers are and what they need. You can outline some of the possible questions they may have, for each buyer persona will have a different need from another. For instance, a hospital administrator has different goals and challenges from a physician who runs a private practice. They will appreciate it if the content they decide to consume are relevant and personal. Determining which stage of the Buyer’s Journey (Awareness, Consideration, or Decision) your potential customers are in will also give you a clear idea of the questions they may have on their mind. This information is crucial in that you’ll refer to it to direct these prospects steadily down the funnel. Do keep in mind that people get lost from time to time. It’s easy for your prospects to confuse the direction they need to take while conducting their own research on the problems they may have. That’s when your fantabulous content can rush to their rescue.

health technology inbound


Conducting a Keyword Research for SEO

The most accurate way of determining your potential customers’ needs is to interview your current customers. However, it’s nearly impossible to find out everything you want this way since the world is constantly evolving, and so are people. In other words, today’s insights may not be so relevant tomorrow. So, you may ask, “Do I really have to conduct interviews with my customers every day?” The answer is: no, of course you don’t! Today, our dearest friends, search engines, do most of that work for us. They teach us the “What”, “When”, and “Why” of consumers’ interests and purchasing habits, so all you need to do is take in that information and determine the relevant keywords for respective topics. The next step in your SEO strategy is taking these keywords and weaving them strategically into blog posts and eBooks. Keywords are also great for finding ideas for outlining content. Since they come from specific customer inquiries, the search engines will quickly take notice if your content is targeted just right.

B2B Health Brands


Using HubSpot to Manage Your Health Technology Inbound Campaign

Organization is crucial when you’re managing an Inbound campaign, and it can be quite difficult if you’re new to the game. We live and breathe Health Technology Inbound so it comes naturally for us, but it’s still a fairly new concept and can be daunting to keep track of all of the moving pieces. Don’t be discouraged, though. There are platforms, like HubSpot, that can facilitate you in getting your workflow in order. These platforms come with lovely features such as email automation, lead scoring, trackable ROI, and many more that can help you manage your contacts and build relationships with your potential (and existing) customers. If you need any type of assistance with using the platform, we can help you become an expert in no time.

b2b healthtech inbound


Creating a Killer Content

As you may have already guessed, you need to create the actual content after you finish all of the tasks we have outlined above to put your awesome content strategy into motion. Here at Responsify we have a dedicated team of writers, designers, and developers who can help you produce thought-provoking material that drives traffic to your website and keeps your newly acquired leads coming back for more. Not only do you need quality content to attract visitors and nurture your leads but also a website with a powerful UX that performs well no matter the device people use to view your website. Your blog should look flawless whether your visitor is on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Responsive, or mobile-friendly, design is another strength of ours (after all, our name is “Responsify,” not “Unresponsify”!), so feel free to consult us about ways you can improve your website.

Also Read – Guide to Finding a Great Healthcare Content Marketing Service

The Final Word

That’s it! Thanks for taking the time to read our article and check out what we do here at Responsify. We hope you were able to see that generating qualified leads involves more than boosting web traffic and includes coming up with an effective health technology inbound strategy. Informative and relevant content is the link that connects you to your prospects and nurtures a fruitful relationship with them. If ever you need help with developing your content strategy, we’re here at your disposal.

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