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11 Things That Help Retain More CleanTech Customers

There are about 19,200 Clean Tech companies in the world listed in the Clean tech Group database, 1/3 of which are based in the United States. So how are you going to compete with everyone else who shares a similar vision of a green future? And how are you going to keep your cleantech customers from switching to a competitor? Here’s our top ten tips to help you retain cleantech customers in the competitive Clean Tech industry. Step 1

1. Define the top goals of your website in order to reach it.

They say you shouldn’t put the cart before the horse. So neither should you design your company’s website before deciding it’s main goal. Do you want to show that you provide the most economical solution for solar installations on the market? Or would you rather highlight the years of expertise of your team in the biofuel industry? Keeping a goal in mind through every step of your website’s construction will help streamline your website< And a consistent message will give you the upper hand on your competition. Step 2

2. Identify the target audience you want to share your vision of a cleaner future with

Who are you trying to resonate with? As a Clean Tech company, you might be selling your products or services to investors or policymakers in Washington. Defining your buyer personas will help you create messaging that resonates Tip: Hubspot defines buyer personas as “representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing cleantech customers […] demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals.” Step 3

3. Clarify why your brand exists and its value propositions

Now that you know your buyer personas, how can you show your brand’s value to them? As great and innovative your product is, don’t expect it to sell itself.Show the value of your product with a value proposition Step 4

4. Let your website show your company as a trustworthy player of the CleanTech industry

Think of your website as a shop window. Just because you’re selling clean-energy doesn’t mean you can’t learn a thing or two from the bookstore across from you. Take a look at websites that belong to successful businesses! A well designed and modern website is more likely to earn trust from potential customers. It will show you’re as efficient as the technology you’re selling. Step 5

5. Simplicity is the best policy

While marketing for Clean Tech products or services, be sure to reduce visual pollution. A good website is intuitive to navigate and easy on the eyes. Step 6

6. Make it easy for cleantech customers to understand your technology

You probably know the difficult part of your business is not only producing highly sophisticated technology; that’s only half the battle. Winning over non-believers with simple and understandable language is just as difficult. Andy Gotsch, process engineer at Fiberight says:

“The hardest thing for us to do was to convince the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] that we’re actually recycling because the first thing people think when they hear we’re making trash into energy is incineration.”

Step 7

7. Liven up your message with interactive videos

Sharing a vision is always easier with storytelling. Show what makes your brand unique with a video! Explain why your customers can trust that you’re driven by the same values as they are. Successful videos integrates into your website’s design and emphasizes your value. Two useful tips: by all means avoid corporate lip dubs and more seriously make sure to describe and give a title to your video so that it will be easier to find since search engines can’t “read” the script for the video. This will improve your ranking on their pages. Step 8

8. Update your content and provide customers with relevant news on your products and your industry

This is an important part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Frequently updated content shows you’re up to date with the latest trends in Clean Tech. Publishing news and blog posts on a regular basis is worth the effort. More cleantech customers will look for the fresh information on your website, and Google+ will rank you higher for it. Step 9

9. Get people to hear & talk about your company on social networks

Creating content on your website is good, but simultaneously posting on social networks is even better. Start with LinkedIn and Twitter. If you’re a B2C company, create an engaging Facebook page or inspiring Instagram or Pinterest account. Just remember three things:

  1. Two very well-maintained social media accounts are better than five neglected ones;
  2. Links to your accounts need to be visible on your site, with at least on the homepage and one on the contact page;
  3. Add links that make it easy to share the site via Digg and other bookmarking sites.

Step 10

10. Invest in a high-quality, mobile-friendly website!!!

We know developing cutting-edge technology and keeping up with the latest advancements is eating most of your budget. But your tech is only useful if it’s visible to your customers.Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket and invest in a responsive website!Low cost, in-house websites are often harder to maintain and cost more in the long run.An advanced responsive website will attract and retain customers.It also ensures that your technology is accessible to your audience!   Implementing these 10 things will help your Clean Tech brand stand out against your competition and delight your existing cleantech customers so they’ll stick around for more.

Also Read – Finding the Right Clean Technology Content Marketing Service

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