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Attracting Clean Technology Shoppers 101

If you represent a Clean Tech brand you’re already tech-savvy. But you might be wondering how to make the most of technology and attract new customers. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this crash course, we’ll walk you through the main steps to creating relevant and engaging content through email campaigns. leads online

Lesson 1 : Going from the office to the market requires a little detour.

Most Clean Tech products or services target a specific audience. These include individuals who are trying to reduce their impact or policy makers who see the necessity of cleaner tech. You’ve got your value proposition all lined up, and your product is nailing all the pains of your buyer personas. But how do you reach out to them? Creating informative content for your audience will allow you to build a community of social media followers. These believers in your technology will help spread the word. But where do you get these awesome believers? On your blog and your social media accounts of course! Post on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram. Publish relevant and shareable CleanTech content often, even if it’s a link to another blog post with a personalized comment. Spending a couple minutes each day re-blogging great and relevant content is valuable. leads online

Lesson 2 : Content creation does not equal spamming!

Remember, you’re selling a product or a service that improves your customers’ lives. The last thing your CleanTech company wants to do is polluting the news feed of your followers. Inbound Marketing is all about letting customers come to you once they have found content that you released and that was useful to them. Hubspot released a “Clean-Tech Community Acid Test” that your blog posts, tweets & messages should pass. For example: Will at least 50 percent of your target audience members be interested in this? Will they believe it? Does it add value to our audience’s life in an easily explained way? Does it help build positive bias towards our brand? Does it help our followers feel good about themselves because of their identification with us? leads online

Lesson 3: Spread white papers and free eBooks and harvest contacts.

When it comes to creating content, you’re lucky Clean Tech is such a complex industry. Customers need to keep up with constantly changing Cleantech industry, and they’ll want anything on the subject. (Especially if they’re free.) But it’s not all about giving, there’s a little bit of an exchange. After all, it wouldn’t be fair if got nothing in return. Let your customers fill out a form before getting your free stuff so you can learn more about them. Then it’s time to engage in email marketing with these leads. What’s great is they gave you their contact on their own, so their open rates should be much higher! Consulting firm McKinsey & Company found that “Email is almost 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter.” Congratulations! You’ve graduated Attracting CleanTech Shoppers 101 and are on your way to generating new leads online.

Also Read – Finding the Right Clean Technology Content Marketing Service

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