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Attract Definition | The 1st Phase of the Inbound Marketing Methodology

There are more than 2.5 billion people in the world that have access to the internet. That’s a staggering amount of users that utilize the benefits of online content, and why so many want to know the attract definition. Whether working for a business or running your own, you need an online presence. If you don’t, then you are missing out on a boatload of opportunity that can help you grow. Aside from the many marketing opportunities out there to help produce leads that help build your business, there is one marketing effort that utilizes your online presence and rakes in qualified leads, and that’s Inbound Marketing. After all, we want to create a lead generating machine, right?

Attract Definition

There are typically four stages to the Inbound Marketing Methodology that will cover all your bases, from attraction, to converting, closing and delighting, but in today’s article, we’ll be discussing the importance of the first stage: Attraction. The attract definition is to draw by appeal to natural or excited interest, emotion or anesthetize. The laws of attraction are pretty simple, but a marketing attraction is not as simple as one thinks. It consists of providing free content that’s of value to your reader or ideal buyer. The idea is to not bang on your ideal buyer’s door about your product like most outbound marketing efforts, but to lure, so to speak your audience with relative information that pertains to their challenges.  

attract definition

Attraction vs. Door Banging

Let’s jump back in time when a door to door salesman would show up at your doorstep and give a little knock. That might have worked in the past when sales and marketing were fresh, but if that happened in today’s generation, the door would be closed so fast that you probably would not have had time to ask who was at the door. Let’s compare this to an online presence. When you browse the web, if you see an ad in your face, more than likely you aren’t going to click on that ad. It’s become a thing now. When something is thrown in your face, it’s only natural to try and dodge that marketing effort because it either does not pertain to us or it’s just annoying. With the first stage of attraction, you are providing information in the form of written content to your audience. This content will be pertaining specifically to your ideal buyer’s wants and need, along with their solutions to their challenges. You aren’t marketing your product the beginning or middle of your written piece but only at the very end. You want to give your audience the options they deserve. Helping them understand the opportunities out there that can be of service to their needs, and then adding your own business to support the aid to their struggles.

First Phase Support

Let’s say you have just written an influential article for your ideal buyer’s needs and challenges. Although this is exciting, this is your time to take a step back and make sure you have all the moving pieces in place to support your article when making it live online. One key to getting your content seen and not getting buried in the endless content stream of good is by capitalizing on SEO management. SEO or better know as Search Engine Optimization with specific keywords will help rank your content higher than the rest when one searches their solutions. You want to find the juiciest keywords that match what your ideal buyers will be typing into search engines such as Google+ and threading them throughout your written piece. Once you have done this. Then you are one step closer to publishing your content online.  

attract definition seo <a href=keywords” height=”100px” />

Keep in Mind

When writing your content in the awareness stage and creating your ideal customer’s journey, there are a few things to keep in mind that will set your content apart from the rest.

  • Be as authentic as possible when generating content
  • Earn their trust, and not the other way around
  • Give insights into where things may lead
  • Be proactive in understanding your audience

By remembering these attributes, your content will be of significant value in comparison to others around you. Content can be in the form of infographics, written blogs, videos or imagery but whatever you may produce have to utilize these properties.

The Big Attraction Definition Takeaway

One of the most critical phases to the Inbound Marketing Methodology is the first stage of ‘Attraction’. This phase will start the process to a more significant marketing funnel that will lead you to close more leads and grow your business. According to Content Marketing Institute, content marketing generates over three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less. That statistic in itself shows the value in the Inbound Marketing Methodology and now that we understand the attract definition, it’s time to tackle the next phase. Responsify is an all-on-one marketing solution for businesses looking to increase their leads and closing deals through quality content. Generally, it takes a large team to be able to tackle Inbound Marketing efforts to scale, and that’s where we can help. If you would like to learn more about how you can attract more qualified leads for your business, schedule a free 1-on-1 attract strategy session with one of our specialists today!

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