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New York Business Systems


Market Segment: Unknown
Linkedin: New York Business Systems LinkedIn Company Profile
Estimated Revenue: $1M
Estimated Employees: 11
Address: 150 Fulton Avenue, New Hyde Park NY
Description: experience in print and office solutions. With our headquarters and warehouse in LI, and offices in NYC and NJ, we service the entire NYC metropolitan area and provide dedicated reps for every client. We hold the title of being the only G7 certified experts in the NYC metropolitan area and our service team is Konica Minolta Pro-tech awarded. Further proof our strong commitment to total customer satisfaction. As an authorized dealer for multiple brands such as Konica Minolta, Canon, Kyocera, Epson, and more we have the flexibility to offer a wide range of products with the most competitive and flexible pricing in the industry. Our diverse portfolio guarantees that our clients get the best choices of products that truly fit their needs. Join our large family of valued, satisfied customers experiencing our Customer Care Covenant and Total Satisfaction Contract.
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