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3 Infographics to Share with Your Clean Tech Customers

As a part of Inbound Marketing, sharing content like blog articles and infographics is especially useful to Clean Tech companies. It helps make a point on how their technology is improving lives and why customers should invest in it.   Take a look at these three informative and engaging infographics we found for your marketing team to share with your customers!

The Climate Group Infographic for Clean Tech Marketers

Source: http://www.theclimategroup.org/
Don’t let its bright aesthetic fool you, this infographic states the big issues at stake when it comes to investing in Clean Tech. The choice of colors emphasizes how investing in Clean Tech will benefit the economy, not just the environment.


Energy Waste Infographic for Clean Tech Marketers

Source: https://www4.eere.energy.gov/
We found this infographic especially interesting for companies operating in the green building industry. We like it because it shows how saving energy concerns every industry from health care to food production. ( Saving energy saves money.)


Renewable Energy Infographic for Clean Tech Marketers

Source: http://carrington.edu/
This infographic is great to engage individuals and convince them for renewable energies. It shows how renewable energies creates jobs and benefits the economy. It also provides striking data to thwart any doubt from the mind of skeptics regarding new energy investment. Every marketer in the clean energy field should give this a read!


Also Read – Finding the Right Clean Technology Content Marketing Service

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